Publishing Spring Hill student art and literature since 1949.


Why the Motley? Why such a puzzling title?

Well, in days of yore, one of the most engaging figures in the royal court was the jester, a character who seemed to embody a puzzling union of several characteristics: wisdom and buffoonery, profundity and foolishness, gravity and frivolity. Dressed in his colorful costume, the motley, the Jester enjoyed a favored position. Never regarded completely seriously by anyone, lest of all himself, he was free to pass comments on any subject under the sun, sometimes piquantly, sometimes displaying a certain wisdom, almost always entertainingly. Most important of all, the Jester’s sole aim was to provide amusement for the king.

It is from this that we draw our analogy.

We have chosen the motley for our garb to serve as an indication of both our spirit and our scope. We hope to incorporate in these pages a wide and varied choice of subjects, all the while not taking ourselves too seriously and making no pretense at being difinitive. Thus, like the famous juggler who entertained Our Lady, we offer out efforts for the pleasure of our Monarch: Christ the King.

We are His jesters.

This is our Motley.

- The Motley, Volume I, 1949